
(1) The Institute for Quality and Innovation in Home Care gGmbH (IQH) pursues exclusively and directly charitable purposes within the meaning of the “Tax-privileged purposes” section of the Fiscal Code.

(2) The purpose of the company is to promote science and research, care for the elderly and vocational training within the meaning of Section 52 (2) Nos. 1, 4 and 7 AO. Conscious of the great importance of qualified helpers for old, sick and handicapped people, the society acts, especially in their home environment.

(3) This purpose of the statute is realized in particular as follows - the IQH

  • Designs and implements practical research with the aim of generating knowledge that contributes to innovation and high quality in home care for the elderly, sick and disabled
  • designs, sells and organizes paid and free training and further education offers
  • is aimed at carers, registered and non-registered nurses, volunteers, relatives and those affected by care
  • develops new educational formats (blended learning) through the use of digital technology and artificial intelligence
  • works on the topics of care, specialist care, care advice and health management, among other things
  • ensures a recognized certification of its educational offerings
  • networks with companies and universities throughout Europe
  • supports the acceptance of care in the home community through events and research projects
  • empowers those involved in care in the home community to act fairly and sustainably
  • informs the public and the healthcare industry through publications and events