- designs, sells and organizes paid and free training and further education offers
- is aimed at carers, registered and non-registered nurses, volunteers, relatives and those affected by care
- develops new educational formats (blended learning) through the use of digital technology and artificial intelligence
Aktuelle Fortbildungsangebote und -orte
Unsere Kurse können mit Hilfe von starken Partnern dezentral organisiert werden. Auf Wunsch stellen wir für Sie ein individuelles Konzept bereit.
Schulungen vor Ort können ab einer Mindestteilnehmeranzahl oder -gebühr an Ihrem Standort oder in einer unserer Schulungsräumlichkeiten angeboten werden. Derzeit verfügen wir durch unser Partnernetzwerk über nutzbare Schulungsräumlichkeiten in Saarbrücken, Schleswig-Holstein (bei Rendsburg), bei Stuttgart, Brandenburg (Teltow-Fläming), Bonn, Berlin oder Augsburg. Sprechen Sie uns für Ihre individuellen Schulungsbedarfe gerne an.
Further training for managers to strengthen the compatibility of family and work in care
Target group:
Management and executives in outpatient and inpatient care facilities in Saarland
The management development program is carried out by the BAGSS in cooperation with the IQH on behalf of the Saarland Ministry for Social Affairs, Health, Women and Family.
The overall goal of the training program is:
- to sensitize the participants to the special challenges of reconciling family and work (VvFuB) in care
- to enable the participants to recognize the need for action in their own company with regard to the compatibility of family and work (VvFuB).
- to present the participants with best practices from other organizations and to provide concrete measures and instruments to implement changes in their own company
- to enable the participants to increase the attractiveness of their company as an employer in care for current and future employees
Procedure and format:
These goals are achieved by completing the following three-day modules, which impart practice-oriented and concretely applicable instruments and methods. The modules each take half a day to enable the participants to combine further training and work.
- Organization and personnel deployment module (module responsibility: Prof. Dr. Arne Petermann)
- Module motivation and leadership (module responsibility: Prof. Dr. Franz Lorenz)
- Corporate culture module (module responsibility: Prof. Dr. Franz Lorenz)
- Personnel recruitment and retention module (module responsibility: Prof. Dr. Arne Petermann)
- Module personality analysis and development (module responsibility: Prof. Dr. Franz Lorenz)
Die Konzeption und die Qualitätssicherung der Trainings wurden von der Berufsakademie für Gesundheits- und Sozialwesen Saarland (BAGSS, ) in cooperation with the Institute for Quality and Innovation in Home Care gGmbH (IQH, ) under the direction of Prof. Dr. Arne Petermann realized.
The lecturers employed, who are primarily to be recruited from nursing practice in the Saarland and from existing further training practice, are experienced lecturers and trainers with proven scientific and/or practical expertise in the respective teaching area and relevant references in adult further education. Prof. Dr. Arne Peterman.
Prof. Petermann specializes in practical management training as part of part-time executive education. Among other things, he helped to develop and practically teach a further training program for 120 managers for the German Red Cross. As the founder and shareholder of several companies (including Linara GmbH, 3P Projects GmbH), he has been active in the areas of executive education for over 10 years, especially with a focus on personnel selection, personnel management, personnel development, leadership, project management and organizational development. From 2013-2017 he headed the "Management in Health Care Organizations" course at the BAGSS, where he still holds a full professorship for Management in Health Care and Social Care Organizations to this day.
Fortbildung zur „Betreuungskraft nach §§ 43b, 45a und b, 53b SGB XI“
Qualifizierung von Betreuungskräften nach den Qualifizierungsempfehlungen des Bundesverbandes für häusliche Betreuung und Pflege e.V. sowie des GKV Spitzenverbandes gem. §§ 43b, 45a/b & 53b SGB XI. Der Lehrgang ist akkreditiert bei der Registrierungsstelle beruflich Pflegender mit 40 Fortbildungspunkten für Pflegefachkräfte.
Downloads: curriculum
Format: duale Ausbildung mit Theorie- und Praxismodulen
Umfang: 160 UE Theorie und 320 Stunden Praxis, nur in Kooperation mit Pflege-Praxispartner absolvierbar
Start: Possible at any time
Course fee: EUR 600 per participant (please contact us if you would like to discuss group conditions for a larger number of participants)
Fortbildung zur „Betreuungskraft nach §§ 43b, 45a und b, 53b SGB XI“
inkl. Aufbaumodul Beratungskompetenz zur Entlastung pflegender Angehöriger gem. §45a Abs.1 Nr.2
For people involved in educating those in need of care and their relatives, who are active in an advisory capacity on care and support services in home care and, in particular, on concepts of care in the home community (BihG).
Downloads: curriculum
Format: duale Ausbildung mit Theorie- und Praxismodulen
Umfang: 170 UE Theorie und 320 Stunden Praxis, nur in Kooperation mit Pflege-Praxispartner absolvierbar
Start: Possible at any time
Course fee: EUR 740 per participant (please contact us if you would like to discuss group conditions for a larger number of participants)
Further training to become an “expert for home care” (IQH-certified)
For people working in home care and support who, for example, work as employees in a nursing service or support service and perform activities in the field of domestic help, support and basic care for old, sick and disabled people in accordance with SGB XI.
Umfang: 600 Stunden (davon 80 Stunden Theorie und 520 Stunden Praxis, nur in Kooperation mit Pflege-Praxispartner absolvierbar)
Start: possible at any time
Course fee: EUR 600 per participant (please contact us if you would like to discuss group conditions for a larger number of participants)